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Pohe at the remotest place in India !

I have travelled to many, many places. Mainly for my performances. I get to see lots of different food in front of me. And still I am not a foodie at all. I eat anything that comes in front of me - As far as it is vegetarian and absolutely not spicy.

Since last 7-8 years, every year I have lived in Himalayas for months and months. And thankfully I always have managed to find a good restaurant which will give me good food. This time it was quite different. I was travelling in North and that means all I would get for breakfast was Paratha ! The most boring thing in the universe of food!

The north has no idea what Pohe or Upama or Sabudana Kichadi is. Only a few places you might find such exotic things. In South we have 10 types of Dossas, and 5 types of Idlees, dozens of different Wadaas and Upama and what not! By the time I reached back home, I was completely fed up with the Paratha! [They have samosa and some puri bhaji, but either it's too oily or too heavy for me.]

In any case when I reached Kaza in Spiti Valley, it was the most lonely road I had travelled. For miles and miles I wouldn’t see a single car or for that matter not even a human. Barring a couple of police check posts, there was absolutely nothing on the road. Lots of road construction is going on around Nako, but I didn't see any workers anywhere. May be it was a Sunday. I had lost track of days and dates long ago!
Miles and miles of road, and i was alone there!
In Kaza, I decided to give a try to some hostel there. I didn't have any good opinion about hostels I had seen in Rishikesh. And had never stayed in any. This hostel was all it promised. Noisy, careless and expensive. Basically hostels are not for me. I was and won't ever be looking for a 'Like Minded' person to travel with, nor I was and ever am going to look for a hook up.

But…. Next day morning the hostel offered me a thing that really made my day!

Breakfast at Kaza !
After about 4 months of hardship of eating Parathas every day, finally I found Pohe! Obviously the most expensive - More than inflight priced Pohe, but they were Pohe!!!

I never realised how much Pohe would mean to me. Because I have stayed away- outside India [ Korea being the worst for vegetarians] for months and months and yet have never missed Pohe. But then no one fed me with only one type of food for several months there!!

Pohe at the remotest place in India !
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